Part 11: Lang's DESTINY
Chapter 10 Langs DESTINYWhere we last left off, Avalons promised Eclipse occurred, and the world is now showered in the Black Suns evil light.
Were now headed to Mayas home town of Yuno, where an ancient spirit called Reym might be able to help us figure out whats going on, and how we can stop Avalon.
Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut first!
Were going back into Nohl.

I dont know if I mentioned this already, but whenever you go into a town, your party members will go stand in different areas and have things to say. This is distinct from actual scenes as they say these lines every time you go in, and will stand in the same position (although it changes as the story progresses). This is a great way to check if a character has content at any given time, because youll figure out theyre not in their usual spot.

In Darakin, Mayas still standing around on the street, talking about how fun playing hide and seek is.

Kazan stands around in the upper class district talking about the Kabel ruins. Why no one has arrested him for vagrancy I dont know.
Speaking of Darakin, theres a new bit of content to be experienced.

We could come into this restaurant much earlier, and we did to get the recipe book from the chef. But we cant actually use the restaurant properly until after the Eclipse.

Guinness: Certainly, sir. This way, please.

As you might expect, all of these options teach us new cooking recipes. But its not as simple as other restaurants: here, the staff and clientele of Chez Snobbe will judge us based on what we buy.
We start with the cheap option.

Lang takes a bite.

Lang neither notices nor cares that theyre judging him, this is the best food hes had. This course teaches us to make Balsamic Veggies.
But he hasnt seen nothing yet.

Maid: (Looks like he has money But he certainly doesnt have much class !)
Female Noble: (Well, he doesnt look like he wandered in here by mistake But he does look rather out of place !)
Guinness: (Well! Thats quite an expensive order he gave!)

Lang learns Lobster in Wine here.

On a random note, the maids name is Neil. I have no idea if this was intentional or a bad translation.

Guinness: (Well! I guess you cant judge a book by its cover!)
Female Noble: (Could he be royalty, I wonder ? Maybe Id better make his acquaintance ?)
Manager Broam: (How can he afford that?! I wonder what noble family hes from ? Id better watch myself. Cant make any social faux pas!)

We learn Heavenly Beef from this. Heavenly Beef is a fantastic recipe that buffs a lot of stats well and has no drawbacks like Kazan Curry. This will be my staple dish for most of the playthrough.
You might be wondering how Darakin is faring with this freaky supernatural event. Well, theyre doing absolutely fine. Yes, everyones commenting on it and being a little freaked out, but aside from that, youd think nothing had happened. This is going to be a running theme in this game.
With meaningful content in Darakin done, we head to Mt. Gabel.

The terrifying power of the Black Sun: bringing us slightly more powerful pallet swaps of all the enemies weve seen before.

Gee, I wonder what could have happened? What dastardly knave could have swept in and taken everything Kazan owns? Well have to follow a trail of clues to figure out who took our precious Mizel Red Sand .

No, really!?
I get that some shit has happened in the characters lives since Kenjiro was allowed to take everything, but from the players perspective, this is really tedious. We know Kenjiro was told he could take everything, and if you talk to him, he specifically mentions taking the Mizel Red Sand. The game has marched us up to Kazans shack, exposed us to boring pallet swap enemies, all so we could find out what we already knew and proceed with the plot accordingly.

Gee, I wonder where they could be talking about?

Man, who would have thought he was in Darakin? I was so sure hed be in Nohl .

First, Lyps dont appear to have eyes, second, every time you beat one, you get a Lyps Tear.
If we didnt have one already, wed have to buy a special item from Kenjiro called Blowfish Weed that would let us attract Lyps encounters. Theyre usually very rare, and you need enough agility to hit them before they run.
However, I already killed a Lyps while grinding in the Forest Maze, so we skip that whole diversion.

You get a choice on whether to trade or not, but why wouldnt you? You cant proceed any other way.

We can still use Kenjiro as a merchant. He sells a little bit of everything.
Now, if we leave Darakin and go right back in

Leon: You have to do this step quickly. Or else the pasta gets soggy.

Naturally, Maya learns the Pasta Carbonara recipe.

Kazan fumes at Kenjiro from the backend of town.
Now, finally, we head to the Forest Maze.
Now Playing Lost Forest

We only get so far into the Forest Maze before were faced with a tutorial fight.

Not even bosses are immune to pallet swapping. The Gather Crab is now reduced to a generic enemy in blue.

And so begins our tutorial on Variable Arts.
Variable Arts are by far the most damaging attacks we have available to us except for one set of Arts that I wont mention for some time (even though we could use them right now). Variable Arts work by inputting in specific sequences with two characters, who will then perform a joint attack. It has to be the exact sequence, and you cannot use any other Arts with them, but they more than make up for that in sheer power.
Each character comes with an A and B type Variable Art. The purpose of this is that one character must perform their A type Art and the other their B type Art. If you use both of the same type, then no Variable Art eventuates and you just perform a few regular attacks. You must also have 80 AP on each character to pull it off.
Click here to see our first Variable Art show.
This attack does 28000 damage to the Loghart Crab. This is far beyond what any character can do individually, and beyond what they can all do attacking in a single round. And of course, Variable Arts only require two characters, so the third can keep attacking or do something else.

Variable Arts can be performed by every character, and they all have A and B type Arts. Id show off the others we could do here, but Ive decided to leave that until we have every character.

So here we have pallet swaps of the Dino Gols and

Holy shit, thats a new, unique enemy! How long has it been since weve seen one of those? Probably Doplin Castle and Kabel Ruins
Hanged Snails (how the hell is it a snail?) largely just hit you either regularly or with fire attacks. They can also cause Venom.

Here we are ambushed by Bean Cannons, pallet swaps of Bean Guns. They can shoot out Mrs. Beans to attack us, who are pallet swaps of the old Bean enemies. We dont see this happen despite them getting the jump on us, as they mysteriously decline to act and then get wrecked next round.

Kocus Karacas are immune to Origin attacks, and have a suicide attack that denies you any reward for their deaths. But we kill them easily enough with Arts for that to matter.

Pallet swaps from the sewers. Boring.
Anyway, youre probably wondering about the dungeon itself. The Forest Maze has no real puzzles like any other dungeon, but its mazelike quality might keep you wandering around if you dont know where to go.
Fortunately, Ive been through enough times to know exactly where to go.

First we get on this log.

Then have Galea smash this log.

And then its an effectively straight path to the exit.
The Forest Maze has plenty of treasure to find. Most of it is unremarkable, but you can get a "Scroll of Water" that teaches Maya a new Hyper Art.
We move on to Yuno.
Now Playing Everyday Tranquillity

Maya runs towards her house premptively.

Wasure Sato Yuno. Exactly as translated.

Ruth: Maya You What happened to you?! I thought you lost your voice
Mick: This is great!! Talk to me, Maya!
Rona: Congratulations, Maya!

Simba: Didnt you know how lonely little Maya was without you?

Simba: Hey Kazan, nobody could have stopped it. It wasnt your fault
Hilda: Thats right! Kazan! And you saved Maya!
Hildas the woman near Simba.
Hilda: Nobody blames you! So why should you leave the village?
Hilda: You and Maya And everybody in the village! I feel like youre all family!
Hilda: So whats the point of being family if we are all separate, huh? Am I right, honey?
Simba: Thats right! Isnt that why you came back, Kazan?

Hilda: Oh! I was shocked. I thought youd had a kid!
Hilda: Youve had a hard time, havent you? Weve had nothing but trouble since the black sun appeared!
Hilda: Its not an exciting village, but make yourself at home.
Simba: Lets have a drink for old times sake! Promise me, Kazan!
Hilda: *sigh* Just like a fish!

I think Legaia 2 wanted to win awards for fastest resolutions of plotlines.

The screen fades to black as they all go to Mayas house.

Kazan gets up and leaves.

We are now left alone to wander Yuno at our leisure.
In Mayas house, we learn about a new minigame.

We can grow plants and flowers to gain items when theyre ready to harvest. As far as I can tell, all you need to do is use certain methods to grow the plants and then just hit the check option. Theres no need to wait or fight battles, you just do it. Some plants respond better to different acts, like watering more (or less) and using fertilizer. Its all pretty standard.
While theres probably some nice stuff we can get out of this, Im not going to do much with it unless I find out theres some infinity weapon locked behind it. Its tedious as all hell.
Anyway, now that we can access the Yuno shops, Im going to detail a really broken accessory you can make at this point. Its not my original idea, mind you (it comes from Shotgunnovas walkthrough), but Ill tell you guys all about it anyway. Follow these steps to make it:
-First, buy a bunch of Passion Necklaces, Tough Necklaces, and Babble Necklaces.
-Combine the Passion and Tough Necklaces to make Assault Bangles.
-Combine the Assault Bangles with Babble Necklaces to make Hero Bangles.
-Combine Hero Bangles with Babble Necklaces to make Bonus Bangles.
-Combine Hero Bangles with Bonus Bangles to make Beggars Bangles.
-Combine Beggars Bangles with Babble Necklaces to make Power Necklaces.
Power Necklaces give you many useful skills, but chief among them is Art Attack Up, which confers a 50% power boost on every Art hit. That means if you use an Art like Wind Blade for Lang, which hits three times, he will have a 50% power increase on all three hits. This applies to every Art based hit you make, so you can wildly increase the damage you do every round, and it will only go higher as you get more Art Blocks.
This skill will trivialise much of the game, more so than it already has. Youll find out just how much over the next few dungeons.

The woman running the food shop gives you a new recipe book. Like the others, this teaches new recipes to every character we can get.

Faldo: Yeah, thats how we hooked up! I said Say nothing if you want to be my girlfriend, and she didnt!

If we go to Simbas house before were meant to, we get a brief scene of Kazan knocking them back with Simba.
Simba: I know. I know! No need to hold back! Youre our guest!

We learn that Simba was Kazans pupil too. For a man who always preferred to use his fists, Kazan sure had a lot of swordsmen for pupils.
Anyway, what were meant to do is go eavesdrop on Maya.
Now Playing Maya

Maya rejoins us. Now we have to go pick Kazan up from Simbacare.

Now Playing Barracks
Simba: Ha, ha, ha! Oh, man! Ill take care of him tonight! Ill send him home by morning.

Kazan keeps drunkenly repeating his little song. There is naught to do but go back to Mayas place and sleep.
As we sleep, however

We awaken the next day.

Oh but we will have the luxury of time. We will indeed

Kazan flinches.

We head out the back entrance of Mayas house and enter the cave.

Now Playing Title
(Quick note, this theme plays on the title screen of this game and Legend of Legaia)

Now Playing Beast of Darkness

You know these colours/elements line up perfectly with Legend of Zeldas goddess trifecta.

And there it is, dear readers. The ugly truth. Lang is a Chosen One.

And finally, we are done. We can leave.
Holy moly, was that an exposition dump! We learned so much and god how it all sucks. One of the biggest problems with this game is its absurdly cliché plot, and this is the most cliché reveal of all. Lang is the Chosen One, the only person in the world who can stand up to the EVIL Avalon and restore the world to normal. Said world was created by a sentient rock formation that also created Lang AND Avalon because of destiny and balance and whatever. Also Kazan and Maya are here because of DESTINY. DESTINY DESTINY DESTINY DESTINY DESTINY!
I want to share with you part of an interview with the script writer for Legend of Legaia, Hidenori Shibao.
Shibao: When I started writing the scenario for Legaia I had several goals. One was the elimination of "legends". Now, there may be people who think, "What?!" Because the game is called "Legend of Legaia", but this title was not my idea . Personally I think there's a phenomenon called "Nausicaa syndrome", as in Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind. In other words a legend or prophecy is introduced suddenly at the opening of the story. Because it's an absolute story transmitted into the world, it can't be denied. At the game's end, after various twists and turns, the hero who was at the mercy of fate ends up as a form of legend themselves. It's a common theme, right? Using a fixed form of story, such as fulfillment of a legend, I know it's convenient but...don't you get bored with it? So I wanted to avoid it.
Think on this, and think of what this game has just told us.
Join me next time, where we do something incredibly stupid, and recruit our 4th party member.